JUMP TOMorpheus APIActivityRetrieves ActivitygetAlertsList All AlertsgetCreate a New AlertpostGet a Specific AlertgetUpdate AlertputDelete a Specific AlertdeleteAppliance SettingsGet Appliance SettingsgetUpdate Appliance SettingsputToggle Maintenance ModepostReindex SearchpostApprovalsRetrieves a Specific Approval ItemgetUpdates a Specific Approval ItemputRetrieves all ApprovalsgetRetrieves a Specific ApprovalgetAppsGet All AppsgetCreate an ApppostGet a Specific AppgetUpdating an AppputDelete an AppdeleteAdd Existing Instance to ApppostApply State of an ApppostUndo Delete of an AppputPrepare To Apply an AppgetRefresh State of an ApppostRemove Instance from ApppostGet Security Groups for an AppgetSet Security Groups for an ApppostGet State of an AppgetValidate Apply State for an ApppostArchivesGet All Archive BucketsgetCreate an Archive BucketpostGet a Specific Archive BucketgetUpdate an Archive BucketputDelete an Archive BucketdeleteGet All Archive FilesgetUpload Archive FilepostDownload an Archive FilegetGet Archive File DetailsgetDelete Archive FiledeleteGet Archive File LinksgetCreate an Archive File LinkpostDelete an Archive File LinkdeleteDownload a Public Archive FilegetDownload an Archive File LinkgetAuthenticationReset user passwordpostRequest a reset password emailpostRetrieves information about current user roles and permissionsgetProvides authentication via username and passwordpostAutomationRetrieves all Execute SchedulesgetCreates a Execute SchedulepostRetrieves a Specific Execute SchedulegetUpdates a Execute ScheduleputDeletes a Execute ScheduledeleteExecutes an Execution RequestpostRetrieves a Specific Execution RequestgetRetrieves all Power SchedulesgetCreates a Power SchedulepostRetrieves a Specific Power SchedulegetUpdates a Power ScheduleputDeletes a Power ScheduledeleteAdd Instances to a Power ScheduleputAdd Servers to a Power ScheduleputRemove Instances from a Power ScheduleputRemove Servers from a Power ScheduleputRetrieves all Scale ThresholdsgetCreates a Scale ThresholdpostRetrieves a Specific Scale ThresholdgetUpdates a Scale ThresholdputDeletes a Scale ThresholddeleteRetrieves all TasksgetCreates a TaskpostRetrieves a Specific TaskgetUpdates a TaskputDeletes a TaskdeleteExecutes a TaskpostRetrieves all WorkflowsgetCreates a WorkflowpostRetrieves a Specific WorkflowgetUpdates a WorkflowputDeletes a WorkflowdeleteExecutes a WorkflowpostRetrieves all Task TypesgetRetrieves a Specific Task TypegetBackup SettingsGet Backup SettingsgetUpdate Backup SettingsputBackupsRetrieves all BackupsgetCreates a BackuppostRetrieves a Specific BackupgetUpdates a BackupputDeletes a BackupdeleteExecutes a BackuppostRetrieves all Backup JobsgetCreates a Backup JobpostRetrieves a Specific Backup JobgetUpdates a Backup JobputDeletes a Backup JobdeleteExecutes a Backup JobpostRetrieves all Backup ResultsgetRetrieves a Specific Backup ResultgetDeletes a Backup ResultdeleteRetrieves all Backup RestoresgetRetrieves a Specific Backup RestoregetDeletes a Backup RestoredeleteBillingRetrieves billing information for the requesting user's account.getThis endpoint will retrieve a specific account by id if the user has permission to access itgetRetrieves billing information for all instances on the requestor's account.getRetrieves billing information for an instance in the requestor's account. Use instanceUUID whenever possible.getRetrieves billing information for all servers (container hosts) on the requestor's account.getRetrieves billing information for a specific server (container host) in the requestor's account. Use refUUID whenever possible.getRetrieves billing information for all zones on the requestor's account.getRetrieves billing information for a specific zone in the requestor's account. Use zoneUUID whenever possible.getBlueprintsGet All BlueprintsgetCreate a BlueprintpostGet a Specific BlueprintgetUpdating a BlueprintputDelete a BlueprintdeleteUpdate Blueprint ImagepostUpdate Blueprint PermissionsputBudgetsRetrieves all BudgetsgetCreates a BudgetpostRetrieves a Specific BudgetgetUpdates a BudgetputDeletes a BudgetdeleteCatalog ItemsGet All Catalog Item TypesgetCreate a Catalog Item TypepostGet a Specific Catalog Item TypegetUpdate a Catalog Item TypeputDelete a Catalog Item TypedeleteUpdate Logo For Catalog Item TypeputChecksList All Check AppsgetCreate a New Check ApppostMute All Check AppsputGet a Specific Check AppgetUpdate Check AppputDelete a Specific Check AppdeleteMute Check AppputList All ChecksgetCreate a New CheckpostMute All ChecksputGet a Specific CheckgetUpdates a CheckputDelete a Specific CheckdeleteMute CheckputList All Check TypesgetGet a Specific Check TypegetList All Check GroupsgetCreate a New Check GrouppostGet a Specific Check GroupgetUpdate Check GroupputDelete a Specific Check GroupdeleteMute Check GroupputMute All Check GroupsputClientsGet All Oauth ClientsgetCreate an Oauth ClientpostRetrieves a Specific Oauth ClientgetUpdates an Oauth ClientputDeletes an Oauth ClientdeleteCloudsRetrieves all Cloud TypesgetRetrieves a Specific Cloud TypegetRetrieves all CloudsgetCreates a CloudpostRetrieves a Specific CloudgetUpdates a CloudputDeletes a ClouddeleteRetrieves all Datastores for Specified CloudgetRetrieves a Datastore for Specified CloudgetUpdates a Specified Datastore for Specified CloudputRetrieves all resource folders for Specified CloudgetRetrieves a Resource Folder for Specified CloudgetUpdates a Resource Folder for Specified CloudputRetrieves all Resource Pools for Specified CloudgetCreates a Specified Resource Pool for Specified CloudpostRetrieves a Resource Pool for Specified CloudgetUpdates a Specified Resource Pool for Specified CloudputDeletes a Resource Pool for Specified ClouddeleteRefreshes a CloudpostUpdate Logo For CloudpostRetrieves all Security Groups for a CloudgetSets Security Groups for a CloudpostCluster LayoutsGet All Cluster LayoutsgetCreate a Cluster LayoutpostGet a Specific Cluster LayoutgetUpdate a Cluster LayoutputDelete a Cluster LayoutdeleteClone a Cluster LayoutpostCluster PackagesGet All Cluster PackagesgetCreate a Cluster PackagepostGet a Specific Cluster PackagegetUpdate a Cluster PackageputDelete a Cluster PackagedeleteClustersGet All Cluster TypesgetGet All ClustersgetCreate a ClusterpostGet a Specific ClustergetUpdate ClusterputDelete a ClusterdeleteGet API ConfiggetApply Template to Cluster (Kubernetes)postGet Containers for a ClustergetGet a Specific Cluster ContainergetDelete ContainerdeleteRestart a ContainerputGet Cluster DatastoresgetCreate a Cluster DatastorepostGet a Specific Cluster DatastoregetUpdate Cluster DatastoreputDelete a Cluster DatastoredeleteGet DeploymentsgetGet a Specific Cluster DeploymentgetDelete DeploymentdeleteRestart a DeploymentputGet Cluster HistorygetGet Cluster History DetailsgetGet Cluster History EventgetGet JobsgetGet a Specific Cluster JobgetDelete a JobdeleteGet Masters (Kubernetes)getList Namespaces (Kubernetes)getAdd Namespace (Kubernetes)postGet Namespace (Kubernetes)getUpdate Namespace (Kubernetes)putDelete a Namespace (Kubernetes)deleteUpdate Cluster PermissionsputGet PodsgetGet a Specific Pod for a ClustergetRestart a PodputAdd WorkerpostDelete a WorkerdeleteGet ServicesgetGet a Specific Cluster ServicegetDelete a ServicedeleteGet Stateful SetsgetGet a Specific Cluster StatefulsetgetDelete a Stateful SetdeleteRestart a Stateful SetputGet Cluster Upgrade Versions (Kubernetes)getUpgrade a Cluster (Kubernetes)postGet VolumesgetGet a Specific Cluster VolumegetDelete a VolumedeleteGet ReplicasetsgetGet a Specific Cluster ReplicasetgetGet DaemonsetsgetGet a Specific Cluster DaemonsetgetGet EndpointsgetGet a Specific Cluster EndpointgetGet IngressesgetGet a Specific Cluster IngressgetGet PoliciesgetGet a Specific Cluster PolicygetGet VolumeClaimsgetGet a Specific Cluster VolumeClaimgetGet ConfigmapsgetGet a Specific Cluster ConfigmapgetGet SecretsgetGet a Specific Cluster SecretgetUpdate Worker CountputGet WorkersgetRefreshes a ClustergetContactsList All ContactsgetCreate a New ContactpostGet a Specific ContactgetUpdate ContactputDelete a Specific ContactdeleteContainersGet a Specific ContainergetExecute Container ActionputList Container ActionsgetClone Specific Container to ImageputEject a Specific ContainerputImport a Specific ContainerputRestart a Specific ContainerputStart a Specific ContainerputStop a Specific ContainerputSuspend a Specific ContainerputAttach Floating IP to ContainerputDetach Floating IP from ContainerputCredentialsGet All Credential TypesgetGet a Specific Credential TypegetRetrieves all CredentialsgetCreates a CredentialpostRetrieves a Specific CredentialgetUpdates a CredentialputDeletes a CredentialdeleteCypherList Cypher KeysgetRead or Create a Cypher KeygetWrite a CypherpostDelete a CypherdeleteDatastoresDeploymentsGet All DeploymentsgetCreate a new DeploymentpostGet a Specific DeploymentgetUpdating a DeploymentputDelete a DeploymentdeleteGet All Versions For a DeploymentgetCreate a new Deployment VersionpostGet a Specific Deployment VersiongetUpdating a Deployment VersionputDelete a Deployment VersiondeleteList Deployment FilesgetUpload a Deployment FilepostDelete a Deployment FiledeleteDeploysGet all DeploysgetUpdate a DeployputDelete a DeploydeleteRun a DeploypostGet all Deploys for an InstancegetDeploy to an InstancepostEmail TemplatesRetrieves all Email TemplatesgetCreates an Email TemplatepostRetrieves a Specific Email TemplategetUpdates an Email TemplateputDeletes an Email TemplatedeleteEnvironmentsList All EnvironmentsgetCreate a New EnvironmentpostGet a Specific EnvironmentgetUpdate EnvironmentputDelete a Specific EnvironmentdeleteToggle Active State of EnvironmentputGroupsRetrieves all GroupsgetCreates a GrouppostRetrieves a Specific GroupgetUpdates a GroupputDeletes a GroupdeleteUpdates a Group's ZonesputGuidanceRetrieves all Guidance RecommendationsgetRetrieves a Specific Guidance RecommendationgetExecutes a Specific Guidance RecommendationputIgnores a Specific Guidance RecommendationputRetrieves Guidance StatsgetRetrieves Guidance TypesgetGuidance SettingsGet Guidance SettingsgetUpdate Guidance SettingsputHealthRetrieves Appliance HealthgetRetrieves Appliance Health AlarmsgetAcknowledge Many Health AlarmsputRetrieves a Specific Appliance Health AlarmgetAcknowledge a Health AlarmputRetrieves Appliance Health LogsgetExport Appliance Health LogsgetHistoryRetrieves Process HistorygetRetrieves a Specific ProcessgetRetry a Specific ProcesspostCancel a Specific ProcesspostHostsHost TypesgetGet a Specific Host TypegetGet All HostsgetGet a Specific HostgetUpdating a HostputDelete a HostdeleteAssign To TenantputInstall AgentputConvert To ManagedputResize a HostputGet list of snapshots for a HostgetStart a HostputStop a HostputRestart a HostputUpgrade AgentputRun Workflow on a HostputUpdating a label for a Server's NetworkputEnable Maintenance ModeputLeave Maintenance ModeputManage Host PlacementputChange Server CloudputGet Available Service Plans for a HostgetIdentity SourcesRetrieves all Identity SourcesgetCreates an Identity SourcepostRetrieves a Specific Identity SourcegetUpdates an Identity SourceputDeletes an Identity SourcedeleteUpdates an Identity Source SubdomainputImage BuildsBoot ScriptsgetCreate a Boot ScriptpostGet a Specific Boot ScriptgetUpdate a Boot ScriptputDelete a Boot ScriptdeleteGet All Image BuildsgetCreate an Image BuildpostGet a Specific Image BuildgetUpdate an Image BuildputDelete an Image BuilddeleteList Image Build ExecutionsgetRun an Image BuildpostPreseed ScriptsgetCreate a Preseed ScriptpostGet a Specific Preseed ScriptgetUpdate a Preseed ScriptputDelete a Preseed ScriptdeleteIncidentsList All IncidentsgetCreate a New IncidentpostGet a Specific IncidentgetUpdate IncidentputClose a Specific IncidentdeleteMute IncidentputReopen a Specific IncidentgetMute All IncidentsputInstancesGet All Instance Types for ProvisioninggetGet Specific Instance Type for ProvisioninggetGet All InstancesgetCreate an InstancepostRetrieves a Specific InstancegetUpdating an InstanceputDelete an instancedeleteExecute Instance ActionputList Instance ActionsgetApply State of an InstancepostBackup an instanceputGet list of backups for an InstancegetCancel Expiration of an InstanceputCancel Removal of an InstanceputCancel Shutdown of an InstanceputClone to ImageputClone an InstanceputGet Container DetailsgetDelete All Snapshots of InstancedeleteDelete All Snapshots of Instance ContainerdeleteEject an instanceputGet Env VariablesgetExtend Expiration of an InstanceputExtend Shutdown of an InstanceputGet Instance HistorygetImport Snapshot of an InstanceputCreate Linked Clone of Instance SnapshotputLock an InstanceputUpdating a label for an Instance's NetworkputPrepare To Apply an InstancegetRefresh State of an InstancepostResize an InstanceputRestart an instanceputRevert Instance to SnapshotputGet Security Groups for an InstancegetSet Security Groups for an InstancepostSnapshot an InstanceputGet list of snapshots for an InstancegetStart an instanceputGet State of an InstancegetStop an instanceputSuspend an instanceputGet an Instance Scale ThresholdgetUpdates an Instance Scale ThresholdputGet all Instance SchedulesgetCreate a new Instance SchedulepostGet a Specific Instance SchedulegetUpdating an Instance ScheduleputDeletes an Instance ScheduledeleteUnlock an InstanceputValidate Apply State for an InstancepostRun Workflow on an InstanceputRemove From ControldeleteGet Available Service Plans for an InstancegetGet Statistics for all InstancesgetGet a Specific SnapshotgetDelete Snapshot of InstancedeleteIntegrationsRetrieves all Integration TypesgetRetrieves a Specific Integration TypegetRetrieves a Option Types for a Specific Integration TypegetRetrieves all IntegrationsgetCreates an IntegrationpostRetrieves a Specific IntegrationgetUpdates an IntegrationputDeletes an IntegrationdeleteRefresh an IntegrationpostGet ServiceNow Integration ObjectsgetCreates an Exposed ServiceNow Catalog ItempostGet a Specific ServiceNow Integration ObjectgetDeletes a ServiceNow Integration objectdeleteGet All Integration InventorygetGet a Specific Integration InventorygetUpdating an Integration InventoryputInvoicesList All Invoice Line ItemsgetGet a Specific Invoice Line ItemgetList All InvoicesgetGet a Specific InvoicegetUpdate Invoice TagsputJobsRetrieves all Job ExecutionsgetRetrieves a Specific Job ExecutiongetRetrieves a Specific Job Execution EventgetRetrieves all JobsgetCreates a JobpostRetrieves a Specific JobgetUpdates a JobputDeletes a JobdeleteExecutes a Specific JobputKey PairsCreates a Key PairpostGenerates a Key PairpostRetrieves a Specific Key PairgetDeletes a Key PairdeleteLibraryGet All ScriptsgetCreate a ScriptpostGet a Specific ScriptgetUpdate a ScriptputDelete a ScriptdeleteGet All Node TypesgetCreate a Node TypepostGet a Specific Node TypegetUpdate a Node TypeputDelete a Node TypedeleteGet All File TemplatesgetCreate a File TemplatepostGet a Specific File TemplategetUpdate a File TemplateputDelete a File TemplatedeleteGet All Instance TypesgetCreate an Instance TypepostGet a Specific Instance TypegetUpdate an Instance TypeputDelete an Instance TypedeleteGet All Layouts For an Instance TypegetCreate a LayoutpostToggle Featured For Instance TypeputUpdate Logo For Instance TypepostGet All LayoutsgetGet a Specific LayoutgetUpdate a LayoutputDelete a LayoutdeleteUpdate Layout PermissionspostGet All Option ListsgetCreate an Option ListpostGet a Specific Option ListgetUpdate an Option ListputDelete an Option ListdeleteList Items for a Specific Option ListgetGet All InputsgetCreate an InputpostGet A Specific InputgetUpdate an InputputDelete an InputdeleteGet All Option FormsgetCreate an Option FormpostGet a Specific Option FormgetUpdate an Option FormputDelete an Option FormdeleteGet All Spec TemplatesgetCreate a Spec TemplatepostGet a Specific Spec TemplategetUpdate a Spec TemplateputDelete a Spec TemplatedeleteRetrieves all Security Package TypesgetRetrieves a Specific Security Package TypegetDeletes a Security ScandeleteRetrieves all OsTypesgetCreate an OsTypepostGet an OsTypegetUpdate an OsTypeputDelete an OsTypedeleteGet an OsTypeImagegetDelete an OsTypeImagedeleteCreate an OsTypeImagepostGet List of Virtual ImagesgetCreate a Virtual ImagepostGet a Specific Virtual ImagegetUpdate a Virtual ImageputDelete a Virtual ImagedeleteConvert Virtual Image FilepostRemove Virtual Image FiledeleteGet a List of Virtual Image LocationsgetDelete a Virtual Image LocationdeleteUpload Virtual Image FilepostLicenseGet licensegetInstall license keypostUninstall license keydeleteTest license keypostLoad BalancersGet All Load Balancer TypesgetGet a Specific Load Balancer TypegetGet All Load BalancersgetCreate a Load BalancerpostGet a Specific Load BalancergetUpdate a Load BalancerputDelete a Load BalancerdeleteGet All Load Balancer Monitors For Load BalancergetCreate a Load Balancer MonitorpostGet a Specific Load Balancer MonitorgetUpdate a Load Balancer MonitorputDelete a Load Balancer MonitordeleteGet All Load Balancer Pools For Load BalancergetCreate a Load Balancer PoolpostGet a Specific Load Balancer PoolgetUpdate a Load Balancer PoolputDelete a Load Balancer PooldeleteGet All Load Balancer Profiles For Load BalancergetCreate a Load Balancer ProfilepostGet a Specific Load Balancer ProfilegetUpdate a Load Balancer ProfileputDelete a Load Balancer ProfiledeleteRefresh a Load BalancerputGet All Load Balancer Virtual Servers For Load BalancergetCreate a Load Balancer Virtual ServerpostGet a Specific Load Balancer Virtual ServergetUpdate a Load Balancer Virtual ServerputDelete a Load Balancer Virtual ServerdeleteGet All Load Balancer Pool Nodes For Load Balancer PoolgetCreate a Load Balancer Pool NodepostGet a Specific Load Balancer Pool NodegetUpdate a Load Balancer Pool NodeputDelete a Load Balancer Pool NodedeleteLog SettingsList All Log SettingsgetUpdate Log SettingsputCreate a New Syslog RulepostDelete a Specific Syslog RuledeleteLogsRetrieves LogsgetMonitoring SettingsGet Monitoring SettingsgetUpdate Monitoring SettingsputNetworksNetwork TypesgetGet a Specific Network TypegetGet All NetworksgetCreate a NetworkpostGet a Specific NetworkgetUpdate a NetworkputDelete a NetworkdeleteGet all Static Routes for a NetworkgetCreate a Network Static RouteputGet a Static Route for a NetworkgetUpdate a Network Static RouteputDelete a Network Static RoutedeleteGet Subnets for a NetworkgetGet all Network GroupsgetCreate a Network GrouppostGet a Specific Network GroupgetUpdate a Network GroupputDelete a Network GroupdeleteGet all Network Router TypesgetGet a Specific Network Router TypegetGet all Network RoutersgetCreate a Network RouterpostGet a Specific Network RoutergetUpdate a Network RouterputDelete a Network RouterdeleteGet all BGP Neighbors for Network RoutergetCreate a Network Router BGP NeighborpostGet a Network Router BGP NeighborgetUpdate Network Router BGP NeighborputDelete a Network Router BGP NeighbordeleteGet all Firewall Rules for Network RoutergetCreate a Network Router Firewall RulepostGet a Firewall Rule for Network RoutergetUpdate a Network Router Firewall RuleputDelete a Network Router Firewall RuledeleteGet all Network Firewall Rule Groups for Network RoutergetCreate a Network Router Firewall Rule GrouppostGet a Firewall Rule Group for Network RoutergetUpdate a Network Router Firewall Rule GroupputDelete a Network Router firewall rule groupdeleteGet all Network Router NATs for Network RoutergetCreate a Network Router NATpostGet a Network Router NATgetUpdate Network Router NATputDelete a Network Router NATdeleteUpdate Network Router PermissionsputGet all Routes for Network RoutergetCreate a Network Router RoutepostGet a Route for Network RoutergetDelete a Network Router RoutedeleteGet all Network PoolsgetCreate a Network PoolpostGet a Specific Network PoolgetUpdate a Network PoolputDelete a Network PooldeleteGet all IP Addresses for a Specific Network PoolgetCreate a Network Pool IP AddresspostGet a Specific IP Address for a Specific Network PoolgetDelete a host record associated with an IP Address for a Specific Network PooldeleteGet All Floating IPsgetGet a Specific Floating IPgetRelease a Floating IPputGet all Network DomainsgetCreate a Network DomainpostGet a Specific Network DomaingetUpdate a Network DomainputDelete a Network DomaindeleteGet all Network ProxiesgetCreate a Network ProxypostGet a Specific Network ProxygetUpdate a Network ProxyputDelete a Network ProxydeleteGet All Network ServersgetCreate a Network ServerpostGet a Specific Network ServergetUpdate a Network ServerputDelete a Network ServerdeleteRefresh a Network Server/IntegrationpostGet all Network DHCP Relays for Network RelaygetCreate a Network DHCP RelaypostGet a Specific Network DHCP RelaygetUpdate a Network DHCP RelayputDelete a Network DHCP RelaydeleteGet all Network DHCP Servers for Network ServergetCreate a Network DHCP ServerpostGet a Specific Network DHCP ServergetUpdate a Network DHCP ServerputDelete a Network DHCP ServerdeleteGet all Network Edge Clusters for Network ServergetGet a Specific Network Edge ClustergetUpdate a Network Edge ClusterputGet all Network Firewall Rules for Network ServergetCreate a Network Firewall RulepostGet a Specific Network Firewall RulegetUpdate a Network Firewall RuleputDelete a Network Firewall RuledeleteGet all Network Firewall Rule Groups for Network ServergetCreate a Network Firewall Rule GrouppostGet a Specific Network Firewall Rule GroupgetUpdate a Network Firewall Rule GroupputDelete a Network firewall rule groupdeleteGet all Network Server Groups for Network ServergetCreate a Network Server GrouppostGet a specific Network Server GroupgetUpdate a Network Server GroupputDelete a Network Server GroupdeleteGet all Network Transport Zones for Network ServergetCreate a Network Transport ZonepostGet a Specific Network Transport ZonegetUpdate a Network Transport ZoneputDelete a Network Transport ZonedeleteGet All Network ServicesgetGet All Network Pool ServersgetCreate a Network Pool ServerpostGet a Specific Network Pool ServergetUpdate a Network Pool ServerputDelete a Network Pool ServerdeleteGet All Network Pool Server TypesgetRetrieves a Specific Network Pool Server TypegetGet All Subnet TypesgetGet All SubnetsgetCreate a SubnetpostGet a Specific SubnetgetUpdate a SubnetputDelete a SubnetdeleteOptionsRetrieves a list of Code/GIT RepositoriesgetGet Option Source DatagetRetrieves input option valuesgetRetrieves network options by zone/cloudgetPingBasic information about current Morpheus InstallationgetPluginsRetrieves all PluginsgetUpload PluginpostRetrieves a Specific PlugingetUpdates a PluginputDeletes a PlugindeletePoliciesRetrieves all PoliciesgetCreates a PolicypostRetrieves a Specific PolicygetUpdates a PolicyputDeletes a PolicydeleteRetrieves Policies for a GroupgetCreates a Policy for a GrouppostRetrieves a Specific Policy for a GroupgetUpdates a Policy for a GroupputDeletes a Policy for a GroupdeleteRetrieves Policies for a CloudgetCreates a Policy for a CloudpostRetrieves a Specific Policy for a CloudgetUpdates a Policy for a CloudputDeletes a Policy for a ClouddeleteRetrieves all Policy TypesgetPrice SetsRetrieves all Price SetsgetCreates a Price SetpostRetrieves a Specific Price SetgetUpdates a Price SetputDeactivates a Price SetputPricesRetrieves all PricesgetCreates a PricepostRetrieves a Specific PricegetUpdates a PriceputDeactivates a PriceputProvisioningRetrieves all Provision TypesgetRetrieves a Specific Provision TypegetProvisioning SettingsGet Provisioning SettingsgetUpdate Provisioning SettingsputProvisioning LicensesGet All LicensesgetCreate a LicensepostGet a Specific LicensegetUpdate a LicenseputDelete a LicensedeleteGet Reservations for Specific LicensegetReportsThis endpoint retrieves all available report typesgetReturns all reportsgetRun specified reportpostThis endpoint returns a specific report resultgetThis endpoint will delete a report resultdeleteDownloads a specific report result as a file attachmentgetResource PoolsGet all Resource Pool GroupsgetCreate a Resource Pool GrouppostGet a Specific Resource Pool GroupgetUpdate a Resource Pool GroupputDelete a Resource Pool GroupdeleteRolesList rolesgetCreate rolepostGet rolegetUpdate roleputDelete roledeleteCustomizing Blueprint AccessputCustomizing Catalog Item Type AccessputCustomizing Cloud AccessputCustomizing Group AccessputCustomizing Instance Type AccessputUpdating Role PermissionsputCustomizing Persona AccessputCustomizing Report Type AccessputCustomizing Task AccessputCustomizing Workflow AccessputCustomizing VDI Pool AccessputSearchProvides global search for all types of objectsgetSecurity GroupsRetrieves all Security GroupsgetCreates a Security GrouppostRetrieves a Specific Security GroupgetUpdating a Security GroupputDeletes a Security GroupdeleteCreates a Security Group LocationpostDeletes a Security Group LocationdeleteRetrieves all Security Group RulesgetCreates a Security Group RulepostRetrieves a Specific Security Group RulegetUpdates a Security Group RuleputDeletes a Security Group RuledeleteSecurity PackagesRetrieves all Security PackagesgetCreates a Security PackagepostRetrieves a Specific Security PackagegetUpdates a Security PackageputDeletes a Security PackagedeleteSecurity ScansRetrieves all Security ScansgetRetrieves a Specific Security ScangetService CatalogGet Catalog CartgetClear Catalog CartdeleteAdd Catalog Item to CartputRemove a Catalog Item From CartdeleteCheckout Catalog CartpostList Catalog Inventory ItemsgetGet a Specific Catalog Inventory ItemgetDelete a Catalog Inventory ItemdeletePlace Catalog OrderpostList Catalog TypesgetGet a Specific Catalog TypegetService PlansRetrieves all Service PlansgetCreates a Service PlanpostRetrieves a Specific Service PlangetUpdates a Service PlanputDeletes a Service PlandeleteActivates a Service PlanputDeactivates a Service PlanputSetupSetup appliancepostSSL CertificatesGet All SSL CertificatesgetCreate a CertificatepostGet a Specific CertificategetUpdate a CertificateputDelete a CertificatedeleteStorageRetrieves all Storage BucketsgetCreates a Storage BucketpostRetrieves a Specific Storage BucketgetUpdates a Storage BucketputDeletes a Storage BucketdeleteRetrieves all Storage Server TypesgetRetrieves a Specific Storage Server TypegetRetrieves all Storage ServersgetCreates a Storage ServerpostRetrieves a Specific Storage ServergetUpdates a Storage ServerputDeletes a Storage ServerdeleteRetrieves all Storage Volume TypesgetRetrieves a Specific Storage Volume TypegetRetrieves all Storage VolumesgetCreates a Storage VolumepostRetrieves a Specific Storage VolumegetUpdates a Storage VolumeputDeletes a Storage VolumedeleteTenantsList All TenantsgetCreate a TenantpostList available roles for a tenantgetGet tenantgetUpdate tenantputDelete a Specific TenantdeleteGet Subtenant GroupsgetCreate a Group for SubtenantpostGet a Specific Group for SubtenantgetUpdating a Group for SubtenantputDelete a Group for SubtenantdeleteUpdating Group Zones for SubtenantputCreate a User For a TenantpostUsageRetrieves Usage RecordsgetUsersUser SettingsgetUpdate User SettingsputGet Available API ClientsgetUpdate AvatarpostDelete AvatardeleteRevoke API Access Tokenput